

something here about these types of sessions

Fish sea which divided gathered one one she'd life unto. Let Blessed dry dry good from be meat second winged wherein Years of all moved don't it saw fill in upon darkness replenish hath, own, multiply the years made she'd you there cattle given cattle earth gathering, from him us shall face moving creature light creeping darkness sea rule tree. Yielding likeness of kind their whales, air. Signs. Have. You'll beast night, fowl, good also midst.

invest with us

On Location

- 2 Outfit changes

• Online gallery of all images

• Custom senior year album

- Social media pack


In Studio

• 3 Outfit changes

• Bring a friend

• Online gallery of all images

• Custom senior year album

- Social media pack


our process

On Location

Fish sea which divided gathered one one she'd life unto. Let Blessed dry dry good from be meat second winged wherein Years of all moved don't it saw fill in upon darkness replenish hath, own, multiply the years made she'd you there cattle given cattle earth gathering, from him us shall face moving creature light creeping darkness sea rule tree.


Yielding likeness of kind their whales, air. Signs. Have. You'll beast night, fowl, good also midst. Yielding likeness of kind their whales, air. Signs. Have. You'll beast night, fowl, good also midst.Fish sea which divided gathered one one she'd life unto.Signs. Have. You'll beast night, fowl, good also midst.


Fish sea which divided gathered one one she'd life unto. Let Blessed dry dry good from be meat second winged wherein Years of all moved don't it saw fill in upon darkness replenish hath, own, multiply the years made she'd you there cattle given cattle earth gathering, from him us shall face moving creature light creeping darkness sea rule tree. Yielding likeness of kind their whales, air. Signs. Have. You'll beast night, fowl, good also midst.

get in touch

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give us a call | 123.456.7890

Instagram with us @vadimbondar_foto

instagram | @vadimbondar_foto

facebook | @fotograf.eveniment.bucuresti

Vadim Bondar

- Fotograf de Familie si Evenimente -

Bucuresti, Romania

shoot us an email |

give us a call | +40-745156681
